“Every now and then you look and her and go, ‘I think that lady is about exactly as smart as me…’ And that’s not enough; that’s not gonna be enough.”
—Tina Fey on Sarah Palin, as heard on The Late Show
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“During the initial phase of a project it is often more productive to rely on intuition and visual judgement. Once the basic design has been established, a calculated, rational structure may be developed that accommodates all elements originally placed visually.”
—Willi Kunz, in Typography: Macro- and Micro Aesthetics
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Stuck on the Hand tool in Photoshop? The fix: Go to Edit > Preferences > General…, then hit the Reset All Warning Dialogs button.
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“Clutter and overload are not attributes of information; they are failures of design. If the information is in chaos, don’t start throwing out information; instead, fix the design.”
—Edward Tufte, in an illuminating critique of the iPhone
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